Asquith Public School

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High Potential and Gifted Education

HPGE at APS - Year in Review

The High Potential and Gifted Education Policy applies to all NSW public schools, teachers, and students. At Asquith Public School, we are committed to providing optimal learning environments to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve their best. 

We have recognised and celebrated the abilities and achievements of our own gifted and high potential students in the intellectual, creative, social emotional and physical domains. This year we have provided an outstanding 31 opportunities for our identified students in the form of workshops, courses and competitions, across the 4 domains. We received highly positive feedback from our students, parents and teachers about these engaging learning opportunities. Asquith Public School is extremely proud to have had some of our students as finalists and winners of various competitions and courses.

We have also recognised and celebrated our teachers who have committed their time to continually improve and refine our practices to support our students. The range of professional learning opportunities has allowed our staff to enhance differentiated learning in our classrooms. All the professional development has been transferable to every classroom to ensure all students are positively impacted. 

The Asquith HPGE team have been thrilled with the headway we have made in this space, and are very excited to continue implementing this policy and providing our students with opportunities next year. We are already working on some projects for 2024 so watch this space!

Asquith Public School HPGE committee
Sue McIntosh, Susie Taylor and Kitty Liu.

High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE)

The High Potential and Gifted Education Policy applies to all NSW public schools, teachers, and students.

Teaching and learning experiences should be supported by research into effective practices for facilitating high achievement and talent development. Optimal learning environments, where students feel supported and encouraged to achieve excellence in their learning, will ensure that all students including high potential and gifted students have the opportunity to achieve their best.

Link to NSW Department of Education website for HPGE

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the policy further, please contact the HPGE team (Susie Taylor, Sue McIntosh and Kitty Liu) via the school email. 

Revisiting Gifted Education