Our logo
The lorikeet was selected as it is identifiable to the students. It is a bright and colourful bird that will attract student's attention, engage and remind them of Positive Behaviour for Learning values.
The lorikeet will be displayed around the school as a symbol and reminder to students of the Asquith Public School's values and expectations.
Our reward system
PBL focuses on positive reinforcement and recognising students when they are doing the right thing. At Asquith our students can receive Lokie Cards in the classroom and playground when they are seen using out 3 core values, Pride, Respect and Responsibility and merit cards are handed out in our weekly assemblies. As students accumulate these rewards, they can use these to earn Ribbons and Achievement Awards, which then go on to earn them a School Medal. Please see the link below for more details.
Award system (PDF 203KB)