What is a P&C?
P&C stands for Parents and Citizens Association and exists in every public school in NSW. It is a body of parents and interested citizens JUST LIKE YOU! What brings us together – we want the best for our children, we want to know what is happening at their school and we want to have a say on issues affecting our children.
We meet at 7:30pm every 3rd Tuesday of the month in the library during term time. Currently we are meeting online using Zoom. Look out for the link in Sentral or send us an email. All welcome.
Who can join Asquith Public School P&C?
Every parent should join! The more diverse the body is and the more people involved the better the outcomes for our children and the more aware you are of what’s going on at the school. It costs $1 to be a member for a year and you receive the meeting minutes, principals report and you get to have a vote at meetings.
What does Asquith Public School P&C do?
Asquith Public School P&C supports the school with social events, fundraising, environmental activities (Enviro Hub), the uniform shop, the band and choir programs (looked after by the Music Committee) and encouraging parent and citizen participation within the school. There are all sorts of things that can or could be done to get better outcomes for our kids. If you are willing to contribute your time then there is something for you.
The P&C have funded many projects for the school including the Stage 3 COLA, Eco garden, playground equipment, sports equipment, maths equipment, computers, classroom readers, library furniture, classroom blinds, teacher professional development courses, sensory garden, library books, music equipment and other classroom resources. Become a member to vote on where the P&C money is spent.
We fundraise with Election day BBQs, uniform shop profits, walkathons, trivia/ event nights and voluntary contributions. We also run events like the Welcome BBQ, Mother’s Day stall, Father’s Day Breakfast, Kids Disco, Working Bees and Garden Club. Volunteering to help with these is a great way to meet other families and to give to the school.
The P&C only asks 3 things of our parents – participate, volunteer, donate what you can, when you can.
To keep parents informed with what is happening within the P&C we have a monthly P&C newsletter, Building Bridges, which comes out via Sentral.
Contact Us
P&C: asquithpublicpandc@gmail.com
President: asquithpublicpandc.president@gmail.com
Treasurer: asquithpublicpandc.treasurer@gmail.com
Events: asquithpublicpandc.fundraising@gmail.com
Environmental Committee: asquithenvirohub.au@gmail.com
Uniform Shop Committee: asquithuniformshop@gmail.com
Music Committee: asquithpublicpandc.music@gmail.com
Building Bridges: asquithpublic.buildingbridges@gmail.com
Follow us on facebook
Membership Form – Email completed forms to the P&C.